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Certification MDR00025 – Plastod

By December 5th, 2023Events

We are proud to share with you a very important milestone for Plastod, which places it in a leading position in the medical device sector in which it operates. Plastod has in fact just successfully completed the migration process of the CE marking for all the medical devices of which it is a manufacturer, class I, I sterile, IIa and IIb, in compliance with the new European Regulation on medical devices (MDR), which has replaced the old Directive 93/42/EC (MDD).

This result, obtained well in advance of the application date scheduled for May 26, 2024, later derogated to December 2028, demonstrates our commitment to maintaining high standards of quality, safety and transparency in the production of all our products and our ability to satisfy all requests in advance. Fully achieving regulatory compliance with European requirements demonstrates our dedication to continuous improvement, placing us at the forefront of an ever-evolving regulatory landscape.

By adhering to the MDR requirements, Plastod not only reconfirms the conformity of its products, but proves capable of promptly responding to the innovation needs of the medical market, reaffirming itself as the ideal development partner for its customers. We would therefore like to thank all those who rely on Plastod every day; Your continued trust motivates us to give our best, providing you with innovative, high-quality medical devices and supporting you with our expertise.